Guru Service Organization

Solving Technical Problems both large and small for more than 30 Years

Our skilled, certified staff will solve your technology problems.  Call the Guru!

Network Security Services

Do not let hackers and disgruntled employees turn your network into their playground. The Guru Service Organization offers complete turnkey security services from initial security policy deployment to security auditing and hacker intrusion detection. Guru Service will implement high security level standards to your network, discouraging and denying unauthorized access to your data.

A few fast facts about network security provided by Ernst & Young, LLP.

"An Internet security survey of 300 medium to large corporations found that 70% had major concerns about unauthorized access to personnel and legal files from both external and internal sources."
-International Data Corporation
Survey Results Published 1999
"Last Year, 90% of U.S. security managers detected network security breaches, doubling the losses of previous years."
-Computer Security Institute
March 22, 2000
"Of businesses connected to the Internet, 50%-75% have at least one of 20 known security holes."
March 15,2000
"The U.S. entertainment software industry suffered global losses of US$3.2 billion in 1998 from electronic piracy"
-Interactive Digital Software Association
June 15, 2000
In the 15 years from these quotes security has become even more important.  Ask almost any chain department store, local hospital or government entity.

Guru Service Organization can help eliminate the following threats:

Hacker intrusion prevention.
Hacking or intrusion attacks whereby am intruder gains access private areas or resources.

Virus and worm prevention.

Viruses and worms are highly problematic and implemented whereby disguising malicious code and fooling an unsuspecting user into executing them. Once running, viruses and worms can easily take over key parts of your system and then spread and destroy resources. Additionally, viruses and worms have been known to stay dormant where they where over time they will act.

Eavesdropping prevention and detection.
Eavesdropping is when an attacker listens to (or watches) information in transit.

Spoofing Attacks.
Whereby attackers impersonate users to gain access to resources and files.

Packet Alteration.
Whereby attackers alter packets (information) going to and from which can contain malicious code and other harmful information.

Service Offerings:

  • Network Vulnerability assessments.
  • Configuration of enterprise security policies.
  • Installation and configuration of Firewall software and products.
  • Installation and configuration of state the art IP/Sec based VPNs.
  • Implementation of IPChains and IPTables for Linux based Platforms.
  • Software updating and patching.
  • Please call a Guru Service Organization  Representative to discuss your corporate Network Security needs. (440) 342-6125 additionally, you can e-mail