Guru Service Organization

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Wide Area Networks

What Is A Wide Area Network?

Data communications network that serves users across a broad geographic area and often uses transmission devices provided by common carriers. Frame Relay, SMDS, and X.25 are examples of WANs.


Guru Service offers Wan implementation and development for Corporations needing one network in different geographical locations. Using Software and Hardware, with bandwidth based technologies we can easily and inexpensively offer the comfort of accessing a California based database from you computer in New York, while chatting with your co-worker in London on a internal messaging system.

Supported Platforms / Hardware

Windows Workstation

Windows Server
Novell Netware
Apple / Macintosh


Service Types:

  • Consulting and auditing of your primary WAN needs.
  • Implementing Routed and Switched Wide Area Networks.
  • Configuration of Routers, Switches, Bridges and Gateways.
  • Installation and configuration of X.25, ATM, Frame Relay, and Point - To - Point connections.
  • Advanced network backbone infrastructure with a full range of available bandwidths from T-1 to OC-48.
  • Administration and support of full inter-network infrastructure.


  • Please call a Guru Service Representative to discuss your corporate Wide Area Network needs.
    (440) 342-6125 additionally, you can e-mail